Archive for the 'Flat Roof Coating' Category

About Flat Roof Coating

Thursday, March 7th, 2024
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A flat roof can be a wonderful asset to your business. This can also turn into a huge problem if you do not care for your roof. We at Mid-West Roofing Systems can help your roof with flat roof coating. If you think this could help your building and your building is in Surrey, ND call us (701) 500-9399.

What a Coating Can Do

A roof coating has a few ways it can help. One of these ways is through the reflective property that it has. Most coatings have a reflective property that is added to the chemical mixture to ensure that it can reflect the sun. This allows your roof to absorb less heat and gives your roof a break from the UV rays. UV rays are destructive to materials whether they are manufactured or natural. Another way is that a coating acts like a sealant. This can keep your roof from falling to the mercy of more issues. It also creates a seamless layer between the roof and the elements. This means leaks will no longer be an issue.

Why Get a Flat Roof Coating

Flat Roof Coating

With all the good that comes with a coating. The only thing left to look at is why. Why get a roof coating? A coating is good for roofing systems that are getting to a point where they are suffering from damage more often. Another reason is to protect the new roof. Yes, a new roof is made with new materials. However, a coating will give it even more time to protect your business. It is also an excellent way to restore a roof that is in the preliminary stages of the end of life. It also gives your building a boost in its energy efficiency and reduces the cost that comes with keeping your building at a comfortable temperature.

Call Today

If you have a flat roof, it can have several issues. These can all be managed with a flat roof coating. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your building. However, it is also one of the few that may get forgotten. If your building is in Surrey, ND, call Mid-West Roofing Systems today by dialing our office’s number (701) 500-9399. Your roof will then be under our care and protection for as long as you keep us on.

Flat Roof Coating – Burlington, ND

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

A coating can be a great way to strengthen your roof and extend its lifespan. However, you need to partner with an expert contractor to complete the job correctly. Thankfully, the team at Mid-West Roofing Systems in Burlington, ND, is ready to serve you. We offer top-notch flat roof coating services to building owners in the region. To learn more, call us today at 701-500-9399!

Understanding Flat Roof Coatings

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In simple terms, a flat roof coating is an additional layer that our crew can apply on your roof. It is important to note that these coatings are made of specific materials. There are multiple options to choose from, depending on your needs. Our crew will work closely with you to choose the best type for your situation. Here are some of the most common coating types:

  • Acrylic: Acrylic coatings are water-based and easy to apply. They provide good UV protection, reflect sunlight, and help lower indoor temperatures.
  • Silicone: Silicone coatings offer excellent UV resistance and are highly waterproof, making them suitable for areas with heavy rainfall. Silicone coatings are known for their durability and ability to maintain flexibility over time.
  • Polyurethane: These coatings provide robust protection against mechanical damage and chemical exposure. They are often used in industrial settings and areas with heavy foot traffic.
  • Bitumen: Bitumen coatings offer good waterproofing and UV protection. They are commonly used on asphalt or built-up roofs and offer an affordable solution for protecting flat roofs.
  • Rubber: Rubber-based coatings, often made from EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer), provide strong waterproofing and weather resistance. They are commonly used on both flat and sloped roofs.

Benefits of Coatings

Flat Roof Coating

There are many advantages to applying a coating on your roof:

  • Strengthen your roof
  • Extend lifespan of your roof
  • Repair or fill in minor cracks or holes in your roof
  • Protect your building from UV rays and help regulate indoor temperatures
  • Help your roof better withstand damage from severe weather
  • Make your roof more resistant to water damage
  • Save money compared to a complete replacement
  • Enjoy easy and quick application and maintenance

Contact Us

If you have been considering a flat roof coating for your building, then look no further! The crew at Mid-West Roofing Systems in Burlington, ND, can guide you through the process and answer all your questions. Call us now at 701-500-9399 to get started!

Flat Roof Coating – Williston, ND

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023
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No matter how much money you spend to install your commercial roof, it is still susceptible to damage. Sooner or later, you will need to replace your roof. Nevertheless, with appropriate maintenance services, you can get the most use out of your current roof. One of the best ways to do this is with a coating. If you are a commercial or industrial building owner in Williston, ND, looking for trustworthy flat roof coating services, you have no better choice than the team at Mid-West Roofing Systems. Our experienced crew can give your roof the attention it deserves. Call us today at 701-500-9399 for more details!

Reliable Flat Roof Coating

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A roof coating is a great option for building owners. Not only does it cost about half as much as a complete replacement, but the application process is simple and quick. A roof replacement can disrupt your business operations for several days, which can cause a loss of revenue. However, applying a coating will not affect you. Your business can continue to run as normal!

Moreover, the reflective nature of a roof coating keeps your building from absorbing sun rays. As a result, your building’s interior temperature will remain cooler, translating in less strain on your HVAC system and lower utility bills.

Why Choose Us

We know that a roof replacement is a large project, and it can be burdensome for our valuable customers. Because of this, we offer more feasible solutions, such as roof coatings.

Our roofing technicians have many years of experience, which has allowed us to gain a reputation as one of the best contractors in the region. When you choose us, you can rest easy! We will apply your roof coating flawlessly, which protects your building and saves you money.

Call Us Today

If you are a commercial or industrial building owner in Williston, ND, and you need help with your flat roof, you should consider a coating. For a high-quality roof coating, you have no better option than the experts at Mid-West Roofing Systems! Our talented roofing team has years of experience. Call us today at 701-500-9399, and we will be ready to serve you!

Commercial Roof Coating – Williston, ND

Saturday, February 18th, 2023
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You should consider a roof coating to enhance the lifespan of your commercial roof. Many commercial building owners in North Dakota have enjoyed the various benefits of a low-cost coating. If you are an industrial or commercial building owner in Williston, ND, the specialists at Mid-West Roofing Systems excel in applying commercial roof coatings. We can help you! Our skilled crew has years of experience applying roof coatings for building owners in the state. Call us today at 701-500-9399 to learn more about how a commercial roof coating can help you!

Is a Commercial Roof Coating Worth It?

Roof coatings offer a variety of benefits for commercial and industrial building owners. To start with, they can extend the lifespan of your roof by at least ten years. You could even delay the need for a costly roof replacement.

In addition, when our skilled craftsmen apply an impeccable commercial roof coating on your building, you will notice a significant reduction in long-term maintenance costs.

Commercial Roof Coating

Finally, since a roof coating is reflective by nature, the interior of your commercial building will remain at a much lower temperature, helping you save on energy bills. This also helps your business be more environmentally sustainable.

There are many other benefits to roof coatings, especially when you hire our proficient crew. Call us today to learn more!

High-Quality Roofing Materials

Thanks to our many years of experience dealing with a wide range of roofing issues, we understand that the materials in any roofing project can vary in quality. That is why we only work with top-grade materials.

Our roofing specialists will recommend the right materials for your roof. We guarantee that our top-quality materials will enable your roof to last for many years to come. We strive to save our valuable clients time and money!

Call Us Today!

A roof coating is a great option for getting the most out of your commercial roof. If your commercial building is in Williston, ND, the well-known craftsmen of Mid-West Roofing Systems are always available to provide top-grade commercial roof coating services. Give them a call today at 701-500-9399 for more details!

Flat Roof Coating – Valley City, ND

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022

Silicone has recently emerged as the dominant coating material for flat roofs. Its advantages include preventing leaks, enhancing the roof’s visual attractiveness, and reducing environmental impact. A silicone roof coating has a functional purpose when applied. Furthermore, these roofs are exceptionally long-lasting; with only an occasional recoating every 10 to 15 years, they may be the last roofing substrate you ever need.

You can call Mid-West Roofing Systems at 701-500-9399 to book your spot for the flat roof coating service in Valley City, North Dakota.

Using Silicone to Coat a Flat Roof

So, let’s have a look at why silicone is such a great covering for flat roofs. What benefits does it provide that no competing material does? We can start with the fact that it is impervious to ponding water indefinitely. Silicone coatings are impervious to moisture since they are not based on water.

Silicone also has the advantage of not chalking off as other flat roof coatings do. Silicone is “Non-sacrificial,” thus it doesn’t gradually lose its luster over time. It will maintain its complete integrity for as long as the roof lasts. Thirdly, silicone doesn’t require roof fabric reinforcement, which cuts down on installation time and costs. Silicone also has the advantage of requiring less material than other flat roof coatings, which is a significant saving. Two gallons are all that’s needed to treat 100 square feet.

When silicone gets wet, it may be dangerously slippery. Despite its water resistance, the surface is extremely hazardous the moment it gets wet. Roofs must be absolutely dry before applying the coating, another caution. There can’t be any moisture on the roof or the silicone won’t stick.

Although silicone usually doesn’t need numerous layers or reinforcing tape, there are times when you might wish to use these. It is recommended to apply a silicone base coat and a second silicone coat on top of a dry cap sheet roof. You should also strengthen any weak seams with tape or cloth before applying the lacquer.

You can call Mid-West Roofing Systems at 701-500-9399 to book your spot for the flat roof coating service in Valley City, North Dakota.

Flat Roof Coating – Mandan, ND

Friday, May 13th, 2022

Slanted roofs reduce leaks and other weather-related damage by allowing rain and snow to glide off roof surfaces. Flat roofs, on the other hand, can have a number of advantages over their sloping counterparts in this regard. Many protective services are provided by flat roof coatings, and the need for roof repair is minimized. These coatings also provide more long-term benefits. If you are from Mandan, ND, then look no further than Mid-west Roofing Systems. Get in touch with us at 701-500-9399.

To reduce the temperature of the building, use light colored paints and coatings:

Cool roofs decrease heat absorption and seal any surface cracks that may form. Gaps and cracks that enable air to enter and exit cost the average family $350 per year in heating and cooling bills. Due to unintentional absorption, heating and cooling costs rise. Consider how much more expensive it would be to heat and cool a commercial building with a flat roof. With black tar roofs, temperatures can rise to dangerously high levels, resulting in increased cooling expenses. Temperatures don’t drop in the winter because of lighter roof surfaces.

Coatings on flat roofs are extremely long-lasting:

Flat coatings have a longer lifespan than standard black tar and gravel coatings since they don’t wear away as quickly. Tar roofs require more materials than flat coatings to restore owing to storm damage, high wind speed, and other factors. The price and time period of the project may also be affected by this.

Water can’t get through the surface of a flat coating:

Accordingly, one of the most significant advantages of sloped roof systems is that gravity does not allow water pools to form, thus preventing the deterioration of roof components. As a result, flat coatings keep moisture out of the roofing materials, preventing costly damage to the structure’s outside and structure’s contents. Birds and rats won’t be able to get into your building through the cracks in your roof because of coatings. If you are from Mandan, ND, then look no further than Mid-west Roofing Systems. Get in touch with us at 701-500-9399.