Roof Inspection Crookston, MN

Are you looking for a commercial roofing contractor to inspect your roof? Midwest Roofing provides the people of Crookston, MN with thorough roof inspections and more. We’re a qualified company with years of experience diagnosing, repairing, restoring, and replacing roofs. To schedule a roof inspection, give Midwest Roofing a call at 701-500-9399.

Take Care Of Your Roof!


Your roof is an extremely valuable asset, and it should be treated as such. There’s no better way to take care of your roof than regular roof inspections. When you choose Midwest Roofing to inspect your roof as the years go by, we’ll be able to stay on top of any necessary services. This will ensure that your roof gets what it needs when it needs it.

This includes repairs, maintenance, restoration, and more. As a full-service company, Midwest Roofing is the only commercial roofing company you need to know. You can count on us to keep your roof in top condition for as long as possible. With our roof inspections, we’ll be able to prevent any serious roof issues from developing.

Why Midwest Roofing?


Here at Midwest Roofing, we do everything by the book. All of our guys are properly licensed and insured so that you won’t be liable for anything when we’re on the job site. Our roofing technicians are qualified to work on all sorts of commercial roofs. We’ve been in this industry for decades which shows that you can count on us to be there for you for the long run.

Roof Restoration

Midwest Roofing is a company that specializes in roof restoration. By restoring your roof with a roof coating, you instantly save money by postponing the need for a roof replacement for 10+ years longer. Our roof coatings will have your roof performing like new. It’s a quick fix for any roof that has started leaking more frequently. Plus, this protective layer will also lower energy costs!

Call Us Today!

Even if your roof has no obvious issues, you should still schedule a roof inspection every six months or so. The people of Crookston, MN trust Midwest Roofing for all types of roofing services. To find out more about us, please give us a call at 701-500-9399.

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